Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Jump On Board

Explore Galore  Kids!

Explore        Engage         Imagine        Share

Hello!  Welcome!  The purpose of this blog is for parents, families, caregivers, teachers and anyone in a relationship with a child to: Share it, use it, and expand from it… 
 After years of lecturing general medicine, being a student of brain development in children & facilitating parent education I have learned that there is one KEY part of healthy child development and that is: a rich open & engaging relationship with a loving adult. Technology often serves as a barrier to parent-child interaction and I am hoping this blog will offer an option to share technology with your child. My goal for the blog is for you to use it as a tool for you to BUILD on.  Blog time, should be parent-child interaction time.  

FIRST the photo: the photos serve as a visual jolt for the senses that takes you on a virtual scavenger hunt to find its source.  Where was it taken? Pull out a map?  Look up other people’s guesses? These are all photos I have taken on trips with my own family.

SECOND the question: Then use the questions to jumpstart conversations, memory sharing and relationship building.  Bring in friends and family members.  Share fun responses on the blog for others to engage in.

THIRD the ideas: take these as a road map for wonder! Continue the fun and learning far beyond your living room.   
So sit down with the children in your life..pull up the blog and get ready to share.  Let them type..Pull out a map, an atlas and your imagination. Ask the questions and then LISTEN(there is a wonderful old proverb that says..We all have 2 ears and just 1 mouth so we should listen twice as much as we talk) and when it comes to building a relationship with kids that is vital! And remember..there is NO wrong answers here.

The blog can be used by anyone looking to build their relationship and learn about: themselves, a loved one, the world! So jump on board and travel through the world of your imagination with your most important team of navigators.: your kids!

Creator: DM Devine